Important Information for Those Planning to Move Abroad

Information for Those Planning to Move Abroad

Are you ready for an adventure? Moving abroad can be exciting, but there are also a few hurdles to overcome. Don’t worry. We’re here to help you! With our detailed overview, planning and executing your move will be a breeze. Let’s get going and tackle it together! We explain everything you need to know in this article.

Before Planning Your Move Abroad

You know what they say: the early bird catches the worm! That applies to a successful move abroad. Early planning helps you to avoid stress. It ensures that nothing is forgotten. Take some time to research your destination country thoroughly and gather all the necessary documents such as the birth certificate. It’s also important to open a bank account to manage your finances effectively. You’ll be surprised how much easier your move is with some thoughtful planning. Creating a moving abroad checklist can help you stay organized and ensure that you don’t miss any important steps in the process. Get ready and look forward to your new adventure as an expat! There are many reasons to relocate.

Moving Abroad: Clever Planning Instead of Stress When Emigrating

Stress and misunderstandings when moving? That doesn’t have to be the case! Careful planning is your best friend to avoid such situations. Create a detailed to-do list, including an estimate of start-up costs, and write down all the tasks that need to be completed. Set realistic deadlines for each of them. Choosing a reputable international moving company is crucial to avoid stress and ensure a smooth relocation. This way, you can keep track and easily monitor progress. Doesn’t that sound like a stress-free solution? Take the process step by step, and you’ll see how smoothly your relocation process abroad can go.

Testimonial from Meinhard Bundschuh: "We emigrated to Cyprus by the sea."

Meinhard Bundschuh took the plunge and immigrated to Cyprus to start a new life by the sea. His experiences are a valuable resource for anyone thinking of following the same path. Bundschuh explains: „I always imagined what it would be like to live by the sea. When I had the opportunity to move to Cyprus, I took it. Who doesn’t dream of an apartment or a villa by the sea? It was a big step, but it was worth it. I enjoy the view and the peace and quiet every day.“ Bundschuh also founded a company in Cyprus.

Setting up a Cyprus Limited was a challenge without insider knowledge,“ he admits, „but I received a lot of support from the local authorities and the business community. That made the process much easier.“ After seven years on the island, he’s drawn a positive conclusion: „There were undoubtedly challenges, but the support I found in Cyprus after emigrating was crucial to my success. I don’t regret my decision. On the contrary, it was the best decision of my life.

Now I try to help other people relocate to Cyprus in a more relaxed and hassle-free way.

Get To Know Your Destination Country Before You Consider Moving Abroad

So you’re moving to a new country that might even be a tax haven? That’s exciting! But, as you know, preparation is everything. Learning a new language can greatly enhance your experience and help you integrate more smoothly into your new community. Have you thought about familiarizing yourself with the culture, language, and way of life of your destination country? It may sound like a lot of work. But believe us: it’s worth it. Proper research and preparation when living abroad, including understanding tax implications and storing belongings, are crucial. If you take the time to research these aspects, you will not only settle in more quickly, but you will also be able to avoid any culture shocks. Imagine arriving at your new home, like an apartment in Cyprus, and already feeling like a local. Doesn’t that sound great?

Spend some time learning more about the culture, people, language, and way of life of your destination country. This will help you settle in more quickly. We will be happy to help you if you are looking for a house or apartment.

Regulations and Fees - Be Aware of Country Differences When Moving Abroad

Find out about the specific relocation regulations, local laws, and fees in your destination country. This will help you avoid unexpected costs and ensure that your new life in a foreign country runs smoothly. Moving abroad is not an everyday occurrence. One of the most important preparations is to know the specific moving regulations and fees of your destination country. These can vary greatly depending on the country and can cause considerable costs if they are not taken into account. International moving costs, for example, range from €1,000 to €10,000 (gross). In addition, customs regulations can lead to delays and fines if not handled properly.

Ensure you have up-to-date information on visa requirements and other legalities by consulting the local consulate or official websites.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the requirements and costs. So, when moving abroad, inform yourself and make sure you have the right information. We will be happy to help you if you want to immigrate to Cyprus. Thanks to our services, you can have your contracts checked and avoid bureaucracy with us. We will also be happy to answer any other questions you may have!

Ready to Go? What You Should Bear in Mind When Moving Abroad

Are you planning to move abroad? That’s exciting! Make sure you have enough money to cover all aspects of your move, including initial costs and ongoing expenses. But have you thought of everything? Thorough research and preparation are crucial when moving overseas, including understanding visa applications and cultural adaptation. There’s a lot to consider. Two topics in particular are relevant: Mail forwarding and health insurance.

Have you planned your move and thought of everything? What about your mail? You certainly don’t want important letters or parcels to end up in your old home. That’s why it’s essential to apply for redirection at the post office. This small but important step ensures that your mail reaches you in your new home. It’s easy to overlook such details. We therefore recommend that you put this item on your to-do list and complete it as soon as you know your new address.

Moving abroad is an exciting adventure. Your healthcare should always be a top priority. Let’s take Cyprus as an example: Here there is the General Healthcare System (Gesy), which offers support for sick people. But beware, as a foreign citizen you might not be entitled to these social benefits. It is therefore important to find out in advance about healthcare in your new home country. Check whether additional international health insurance is necessary to ensure you are well covered in the event of illness or an accident. When moving to Cyprus, an experienced partner like BS Holding can be helpful. We can help you find the ideal health insurance that meets your individual needs. This way, you are well covered in the event of illness or an accident. We are also happy to advise you if you would like to know more about German pension insurance abroad.

Luggage and Transportation: How Do You Move Your Household Goods?

Whether you’re moving to a new city or conquering a new country, there’s always a lot to think about. But let’s tick off one of the big items on your list: how do you get your household goods from A to B? Start with some solid planning. Take a look at your belongings. Think about what you need and what you might not need to take with you. This will not only save you space but also costs. Now for the transportation: There are many ways to move your household goods – from international movers to truck rentals to air freight. International moving companies can offer comprehensive services, including arranging sea freight and managing customs clearance. Each option has its pros and cons. So take the time to find out which one suits you best.

And don’t forget: the right packing can make all the difference! Invest in good packing materials and organize your belongings by room – this will make unpacking easier at the other end. Sounds like a lot of work? But think about the feeling when you’re in your new home and have everything unpacked and arranged. It’s worth it!

Visa and Work Permit: What Is Necessary When Moving Abroad?

Moving to a new country, such as Cyprus, sounds like an exciting adventure, doesn’t it? However, there are a few points to bear in mind. One of the most important things to do before your move is to obtain all the necessary visas and work permits. Make sure to check the visa and work permit requirements for all family members to ensure a smooth transition. It is essential you find out about the requirements and deadlines ahead of time. This is the only way to ensure that you have all the necessary documents for working abroad in the EU. In Cyprus, for example, you will need a so-called yellow slip – a residence permit for EU citizens. And if you are planning to work as an entrepreneur, you should think about setting up a company such as a Cyprus Ltd. We will be happy to assist you and help you with these steps!

Visa and Work Permit: What Is Necessary When Moving Abroad?

Are you planning to move from a country like Germany to another one? When planning to move overseas, it’s important to consider all aspects of the move to ensure a smooth transition. There are a lot of things to consider when moving abroad. But don’t worry, we’re here to help you! Here’s a checklist of tips to guide you through the process:

Moving Abroad: EU or Non-EU?

Are you planning to relocate and wondering whether it makes a difference whether you move within the EU or to a non-EU country? Good question! There are indeed some differences that you should be aware of. Within the EU, you enjoy several advantages thanks to the single market and the free movement of workers. For example, no work visa is required and moving goods is generally easier. However, if you relocate to a non-EU country, you will face stricter immigration regulations and may need to apply for a visa or work permit. Customs regulations may also apply to the relocation of your personal belongings.

Find out in good time about the specific requirements and regulations of your destination country. This will ensure that your move goes as smoothly as possible. This way you know which applications await you. You can find an overview here:


EU country

Non-EU country

Free movement

As an EU citizen, you may move freely within the countries of the European Union. German citizens can move to another EU country at any time and without special permission.

You should apply for permission to move and take up work at least three months in advance.


Work permit


You can live and work in any EU country without any major effort.


Depending on the regulations of the country in question.

Customs and tax duties


If you are moving from Germany to another European country, no customs duties or taxes will be levied on your removal goods.


Regulations vary from country to country. Customs duties and taxes may be required.

Social security

The EU regulations on the coordination of national social security systems ensure that your rights are maintained even if you move within Europe.


This depends on the regulations of the country in question.

The many benefits make Cyprus a really attractive option as an EU member! Feel free to get in touch if you are ready to move with or without a removal company. We will support you!

Deregister in Germany or other Countries

Before you pack your suitcases with a removal helper and set off abroad, we have one more important task for you: don’t forget to deregister in Germany! You should always deregister your place of residence at your local residents‘ registration office. This is particularly important to ensure that you have no further obligations in Germany – for example, do you want to continue paying radio license fees or taxes in your old home country? And remember to inform your insurance companies, banks, and other important institutions about your move. Speaking of taxes: you may also have to file a tax return after the move. So, that’s about it. So with a little organization and a partner like BS Holding, your move will be a breeze.